The section where messages go after they have been accepted is the “New chats” section. This section includes “Filters”, “Search”, “Bulk actions” and “Reach-out-first” features.
All ongoing conversations with customers are displayed as a table with the columns “Client”, “Pipeline step”, “Response time”, “Price”, “Tasks”, “Owner”, “Tags”, and “Source”.
Client: includes the client's avatar, nickname/login/full name/serial number in the messenger/social media/widget, the icon of the social media/messenger that the conversation has been received from, the last message in the conversation, and the number of unread messages.
Pipeline step: shows the current status of the conversation in the pipeline, which can be changed both from the conversation itself and the general list of conversations.
Response time: the period of time that has elapsed from the moment the latest not yet responded message from a client has been received.
Price: the amount specified in the additional fields of the dialog.
Tasks: displays a related task and deadline of its competition.
Employee: name of a responsible agent.
Tags: the specified tags added in additional fields of the conversation.
Source: name of a communication channel through which the conversation has been received.
Should you have any questions, contact us via the “Help — Chat with the operator” section. We’ll be glad to help.
Also, check our article to discover the latest customer service trends to follow.