Official Avito integration for online shops

Set up Avito integration for an unlimited number of accounts using the official API and communicate with customers in real time. Add Avito messaging functionality to your CRM or application.

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Automatic distribution of inquiries among employees
Incoming messages from several accounts are received only by operators responsible for their store
Automatic inquiries distribution among employees in Umnico
Custom auto-replies to incoming messages
Stay in touch with your client even outside working hours, use automatic order status updates
Sending photos of products and portfolio samples
Use the power of images on Avito by sending and receiving photos in any format

What is Avito API and why do you need Avito integration?

Avito API is a set of developer tools that allows you to create apps interacting directly with Avito. The API provided by Umnico makes it possible to use the functionality of this popular classified platform in any CRM, advertising, or analytical system.

Using Umnico’s Avito integration, you will be able to communicate with shoppers from several accounts within a single interface window, and not only through Avito but also through other messengers as well. You’ll be able to respond to customer inquiries faster and fulfill all obligations.

More than an integration — a CRM service for Avito stores

Umnico omnichannel messaging platform helps Avito stores respond to customers on time and monitor that both parties fulfill their obligations. The official integration supports the full functionality of Avito messenger without message delays, restrictions, and risks of account suspension.

All messages from your clients in one application- Umnico Inbox

Collect all customer messages in one app

Send and receive messages from buyers across multiple accounts and messengers within a single Umnico interface. Your employees no longer need to switch between tabs. All conversation history is synchronized with CRM so you can sell more by processing orders faster.

Automatic inquiries from Avito distribution among store managers and operators

Automatically distribute inquiries among employees

Set up the distribution of incoming customer messages for several Avito shop accounts among employees. For example, all inquiries from a specific Avito account will only go to the sales rep who is responsible for it and has access to this communication channel. Your employees won’t get confused again, and the managers won’t have to distribute inquiries manually.

Automatic message sending setup in Umnico

Reply to clients during after hours

Free automatic response to incoming Avito messages allows you to stay in touch with the clients even when all operators are busy or absent from their workplace. The client will see their inquiry being processed and will not contact another shop. You can also automatically inform them about order status updates as it moves through the stages of the sales pipeline.

Photo sharing through Avito in Umnico

Submit product photos and portfolio samples from CRM

Work with images in Avito by sending and receiving pictures in any format directly from Umnico or other popular CRM. Send additional images of products or your portfolio samples with clients within a familiar interface. The photo sharing feature in chat increases customer interest, which helps to raise sales.


Prevent customers from leaving to competitors, set up Avito integration today

Try now
Avito product card demonstration in Umnico

View product cards that interest shoppers

Umnico allows users to preview an item from Avito, which is related to a customer’s inquiry. You’ll be able to immediately understand what product the customer is interested in and answer their questions. Built-in response templates help to keep response time to a minimum. This means less risk of the client leaving to competitors due to a long waiting time.

Connecting Avito to Umnico in a few clicks

Set up integration in just a few minutes

Avito integration with Umnico or popular CRM does not require developer skills and takes only a few minutes. Your team will be able to focus on solving customer issues, and not on exploring Avito API settings and testing integration commands.

Connecting Avito to Umnico in a few clicks

Increase your sales team efficiency

Collect statistics and analyze interactions with Avito clients, track the number of sales, conversion rate, number of inquiries, and employees’ performance in Umnico. This will help to optimize the whole team’s work.

Umnico CRM for Avito and other social media platforms

One CRM system for Avito and social media

Umnico offers convenient CRM functionality for Avito, which allows you to build long-term relationships with clients. All correspondence with customers is stored in a single database where you can also set reminders for deals and track their statuses in the sales pipeline.

By connecting popular instant messengers to Umnico, you will be able to continue the dialogue with a client on WhatsApp, Instagram, Telegram, and other social media platforms. Thanks to ready-made integrations, you can also process customer messages from Avito through amoCRM and Bitrix24.

Work efficiently with Umnico

Avito without UmnicoAvito with Umnico
Transition of customer communication to messengers-+
Chat automation-+
Automatic distribution of inquiries-+
Multiple users for one account-+
Lead processing analytics-+

How to set up Avito integration

To set up the integration, you’ll need to:

1) Sign up for Umnico free trial period;
2) Go to settings and select Avito integration;
3) Specify API keys (ClientID and Clientsecret) of the Avito account, then click “Connect to Avito”.

Done! The connected account will appear in the list of integrations. From now on, all messages sent by Avito customers will be displayed in Umnico.

In the future, you can also set up an integration with the company’s CRM system or use Umnico API to connect Avito and other communication channels to your own business apps.

Connecting Avito to Umnico in a few clicks

Avito integration and CRM pricing

It’s in our interests that you grow sales and improve customer satisfaction, so full support for setting up the functionality is included in the pricing plans.

1 month
6 months
for 1 month

“We really did start to sell faster and process more inquiries from Avito customers”

Yuri Kim, Global Cards Trade

“We have been using Umnico for quite some time to process and record customer inquiries from Avito. The platform clearly improves sales”

Alexander Bondarenko, Viplombard

Questions and answers about Avito integration and Avito API

These are the most common queries from our customers
How does Umnico help Avito shops?
Reply to messages from several Avito accounts and messengers in Umnico social CRM or mobile app to avoid losing customers and breaking deals. The history of correspondence with each client is stored in the system, so you will always know what the customer needs and will be able to sell faster without increasing staff or support spending.
Is it possible to set up an integration with a personal Avito account?
Umnico, like many other communication platforms, does not provide such a feature due to Avito restrictions. Any integration with Avito’s free personal accounts is unofficial and may result in account suspension. We recommend using only paid plans for integration with Umnico and CRM system.
Is it possible to integrate Avito with CRM for free?
Yes. Popular CRM systems support Avito integration as a part of their boxed solutions. However, the functionality of those is limited. Umnico allows you to effectively communicate with customers not only through Avito, but also to reach out first to customers on instant messengers and social media, remind them of agreements, exchange documents, and use templates for quick responses. Umnico’s solution isn’t free, but the cost is negligible compared to the potential revenue growth.
Can I test Umnico for free?
Umnico provides a free trial period for all new users, during which you can connect and integrate an unlimited number of messengers and social media channels, as well as get advice on using API without any restrictions.
Are there any delays in sending messages through Umnico?
The delay in sending messages is minimal or non-existent. Moreover, Avito messages sent and received via Umnico API are processed faster than when using standard solutions provided by popular CRMs or Avito mobile app.
Is it possible to attach video to messages on Avito?
At the moment, you can only exchange photos with customers. But our specialists are actively working on new functionality, so we will provide this opportunity soon. Stay tuned for updates.
Can I reply to messages from my phone?
Yes, you can work with customer inquiries on your smartphone via Umnico mobile apps available for iOS and Android. Using them, you can stay in touch with customers wherever you are.

Have additional questions? Get a free phone consultation on Avito integration

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