There are 7 types of filters available in the Umnico communication platform. Various tabs of Umnico Inbox contain various filters that can be used together and separately. Let’s review all of them.
1. Channel. This filter allows you to select conversations from all integrations of a specific type. For instance, if you have 5 Facebook Messenger and 5 Telegram accounts, selecting Facebook Messenger will show Facebook Messenger conversations from all accounts on this messaging platform.
2. Sources. Use this filter to view conversations from a specific source, such as a particular group, number, or account.
3. Pipeline step. This filter lets you view conversations that have a specific sales pipeline’s status assigned.
4. Owner. With this filter, you can view conversations assigned to a specific user of the Umnico platform.
5. Tags. This filter views conversations with specific tags assigned.
6. Date. This filter allows you to select conversations within a specified timeframe.
7. Type of request. Use this filter to display conversations based on their type, such as Unread, Read, Unanswered, or Replied.
If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to us in the "Help — Chat with an operator" section. We’ll be glad to help.
Learn more about selling on social media in our guide in Umnico blog.